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Diana is a genius! I’ve been having lessons with Diana for just under a year now and I’ve already seen a massive difference in my voice. My range has increased, my tone has developed, and I’ve found a lot more control.  Diana helped me prepare vocally for my first EP which meant I could bring the best sound out of my voice when recording my songs! - Matt


"I am over the moon with how much my vocal abilities have improved since taking up a course of singing lessons at the London School of Theology where I study.

The one thing that had been bugging me for literally decades was that whenever I wanted to hit the high notes, more often than not there was no connection. Sometimes there was no sound at all, and if I did it was a strain and often leaving me with a sore throat. Procrastination kept me from getting some proper lessons to sort it out.

Diana took me through a series of warming up exercises and with great skill and patience helped me to understand where I had been going wrong, and make the necessary adjustments. Now I can deliver those high notes with much more confidence. Who knows what I will be able to produce in the future as I put those new skills into practice?

Thank you so much Diana, I am one very happy customer."-  Peter


"Diana’s vocal coaching has made a huge difference to my voice. Her friendly, flexible approach, and skilful tuition have improved my vocals dramatically, and my ability to sing songs that I might never have attempted have now been made possible! Diana’s coaching has ironed out weaknesses and strengthened my voice and given me tools to continue to develop through simple exercises and techniques, helping me to become a better singer. My range has increased and my confidence grown as we’ve looked at, and tackled a wide range of songs together. I’ve been able to grow and go further than I ever thought possible, thanks to Diana’s amazing tuition. After several weeks of coaching my voice was noticeably stronger, and I was thrilled to get feedback from a family member who said ... “you’ve found a voice I never knew you had!” It certainly feels that way! Thank you so much Diana!"-  Sarah 


"Diana is a passionate, kind and encouraging vocal coach.  Always working towards bringing the best out in my voice, having the knowledge and understanding to do so.  I learnt a huge amount technically which gave me more understanding and enabled me to practice in between our sessions. Working with Diana helped build my confidence. She is always patient and my experience has been of great value to me.  I could not recommend Diana highly enough to work with.  Whether you have little experience or are a professional singer. I love my lessons with Diana - definitely one of the highlights of the week. She's patient and professional, and really knows her stuff. I can sing songs now that I never thought I would!" -  Stevo


"I’ve been singing all my life; from a young age in my local church up to performing on small and big stages all over Europe. But I’ve never had any vocal training until I started vocal lessons with Diana as part of my degree at London School of Theology in 2019. Only a few months later, other singers notices the change in my voice and complimented me on my progress. Thanks to her lovely character and her professional approach, Diana has the amazing ability to challenge me in just the right way. The coaching has transformed the way I relate to my voice and has helped me to know my strengths as well as my limits. It’s super reassuring to know that Diana is always working on her on voice and is constantly developing her skills as vocal coach by learning from and with other world-class coaches. All in all, it’s an absolute joy working with Diana and I’m grateful that, thanks to her, I’m able to use my voice in a better and healthier way!"-  Arne


"I have been working on and off with Diana for some time now. I came to see her with a specific brief. I needed to be able to get through 2x 45 mins of covers, trying to stay in the same key as many and various songs. When I first came to see her, I could barely sing for 20mins without shredding my voice, struggled to hear that I was quite flat with no depth or sparkle in the voice.

Fast forward to today. I can easily do 3x 1hr sets, 3 nights consecutively with songs ranging from Summer of 69 to Don’t Stop Me Now down to acoustic Layla. I can do blues, pop, rock, indie with control, power & subtlety. My range has massively expanded and technique is worlds apart from what it was.

Not only has she helped me change my singing voice, but my speaking voice is so much more healthy and I no longer damage my throat when I talk, laugh or sing.

She’s patient but pushes, encouraging but not slow to correct and has a way of adapting the technique she uses to each individual voice or goal. 

I continue to develop my voice with her and cannot recommend her highly enough as a vocal teacher and a wonderful soul." - Sacha

©2021 by Diana Stanbridge

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